ocr: TABLE 3 (cont.) A common moderng process usug UML. Mechanstic Detine the-collaborative boavion of Design smalldusters o classesandobjects, Mechansticacsign paueuus arc: useahere cxtensively Desiun decye srons: aesG4by/@hdingsigh levelclassessuch as, smarl poitters cobtanersy and sterators. Most of thisinformation S4 captured onclass and 0bject Ciagrams. Scquence and oplabbration dngrams capure ste catic nstances of collanorationss anc statechants are. elaburatedto.define the Uvehavsoral space Detailed Definetigdeumticdsehavior and Designs stucture: o1 individuor cosses.usig actyity dagrams and ...